Unchain your brain

PRECISIONeffect Wild Cards set your fingers tapping and your ideas flowing. Each of the 38 cards lays out a method and offers a prompt to jumpstart creativity & innovation.

The app can be used anywhere, anytime, no prep required! (Just have a notebook, whiteboard, or tattoo gun to capture your ideas.)

That moment in a meeting when there’s no inspiration, only dead air? Wild Cards! Need to unlock a new channel, audience, use case? Wild Cards! Deadline looming and your brain is on life support? Wild Cards!

Wild cards is on my home screen. It’s such a cool way to re-see what’s in front of you

Deborah Lotterman

Chief Creative Officer

Get the free mobile app

The Wild Cards mobile app is publicly available on both iOS and Android – anyone can download it for free.


For support or to report an issue please email wild@precisionvh.com

Wild Cards

© 2021 Precision Medicine Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Demonstrating the value of life-science innovations with evidence and real-world expertise.